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How To Create WordPress Dummy Content


A WordPress theme is empty without content.

If you install fresh WordPress you will see there is no post there. With no post or content to work with, even the best WordPress theme can look a bit lackluster.

Dummy content is a quick fix to this problem – a better word would be ‘demo’ content, though.

Today we introduce a plugin called FakerPress is best solution for create WordPress  post generator. This pluign helps you to create dummy content for you website. How to use FakerPress Plugin you can see below step.

Install Step: Go To Plugins > Add New > Search ‘FakerPress‘ > Install It

You can see this video for more easily understand:

Imran Hossain

Hey, I am Imran Hossain, Professional UI/UX and Frontend Web designer. I have worked with a lot of well-known companies. In 2018 I decided to make a blog for free resource for graphic and web design. I have started Graphicslot in 2018. Right now I worked hard to give a lot of free resources for people who want freebies.

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